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제19회 서울미술협회 회원展 △- 권의철 作 단색화(dansaekhwa)-Virile Spirit from - 권동철 칼럼...

kwonec 2023. 11. 25. 14:20

-◇2023. 11. 25. sat ~ 11. 29. wed
       - opening -11.29.sat.  pm 4:00~
-◇한전아트센터 갤러리   2F


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-◇서울미협展  traces  of  time 앞에서  전종무  이사장  &  권의철 작가 ...

△- 권의철 作 단색화(dansaekhwa) ...Virile Spirit from Formative and Symbolic Properties of History

[서울=뉴시스]2020마니프_권의철, traces of time 2011, 71x71㎝, Mixed media, 2020(사진=MANIF 제공)2020.11.03 photo@newsis.com

Among those which coexist in the picture reveals matière that cohered amorphously as untangled ones got dried. Therefore, a point to be focused is boosting the characteristics of material properties in the most natural condition without any damages. 여기에 화백은 먹과 붓의 운용을 비롯한 그만의 여러 도구와 방식으로 비석이나 비문 등 다양한 역사물과 실재하지 않는 의상세계(意想世界)를 펼친다. In such, a painter unfolds various historic materials like a tombstone or an epitaph, and the world of imagine &mind, which does not exist with numerous tools and methods including the use of an ink stick and brushes.