카테고리 없음

권의철 作 단색화(Dansaekhwa)- traces of time(9) -auction gallery collector,s life...

kwonec 2023. 8. 4. 05:54

◇2023. 8.2. wed ~ 8.8. tue
      opening - 8.2.wed.  pm 4:00~
-◇인사동,  한국미술관  3F


A picture created as a fruit of organic solid abstract painting which includes water, wind, air, intensity and relaxation. Those which born as meeting the spirit that gathers a property of matter into one reveal the cosmology of arises and ceases from moment to moment, which means entire matters in the universe are to change continuously without an instance of pause as born and die every hour.

변화와 조화를 수용하는 정중동(靜中動), 동중정(動中靜)의 조형미이며 동시에 자연의 법칙에 빗나감이 없는 자취이기도 하다. 또한 운율을 이루는 풍화와 평면에서 무한대인 곡률(曲率)처럼 영원성을 품는 입체 비구상(非具象) 한국화의 정수(精髓)라 해도 무방하다.

This is the beauty as ‘tatic of dynamic’ and ‘dynamic of ‘tatic’ which accept both change and harmony, and the trace which does not miss the principles of nature. Also, it could be called as the essence of the solid non-figurative Korean paintings which includes eternity like the curvatures that are infinite from the weathering and the plane which creates the meter.
